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providing holistic and individualized physical therapy services to foster happy & healthy babies...

and Moms...
on the move

Babies are complicated...

and each one develops on his/her own timeline. 

 Add potential "bumps" in the road, such as a difficult birth or side preference,

and understanding development can become overwhelming!  

It doesn't have to be.

If you're needing expertise for a flat head or torticollis, experiencing feeding struggles that are impacted by body tension,

or just wanting to better understand how you can foster the development of your baby's next milestones,

you've come to the right place!

What can PT help with?

Baby with Toys





Lisa Nielsen-White
Doctor of Physical Therapy

Lisa is a Mom to five great kids, and has been raising them in Southwest Iowa for the past 24 years with her husband.  She received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Creighton University and has 25 years of experience in pediatric physical therapy.  She enjoys working with all ages, but now practices with a focus on plagiocephaly / headshape, torticollis, ankyloglossia (tongue tie), tummy time, and gross motor milestones for clients birth to independent walking.  All of these can impact movement, which is key to every child's learning and interaction with his/her environment. In addition to treating babies, Lisa loves to help Moms overcome the challenges that arise postpartum. Lisa believes her clients are best served by looking at the whole person, as well as the environment, and targeting the root dysfunction; often, this is best done in collaboration with other disciplines.  Her ultimate goal for working with clients is to support, educate, and empower them, together with the families, to allow achievement of developmental milestones, motor/movement goals, and ultimately function.

Dedicated to ongoing professional development and lifelong learning
 to provide clients with the best possible care

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402-965-1670    |

Treynor IA

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